
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Family Twin

IMG_7410edcskin This cute family is our cousins. Christmas 2005 we both wrapped a baby Christmas ornament and gave it to our parents to announce that we were pregnant! We had no idea that each other was expecting or even planning to have a baby. It was a surprise for both of us. Every other Christmas/Thanksgiving we have both announced another baby! The first boys are 2 weeks apart. The 2nd boys are 4 months??? apart (I think), and the baby girls are about a month and a half apart. It’s been fun!

IMG_7518ed IMG_7504edc IMG_7497ed IMG_7386ed IMG_7373ed IMG_7369ed IMG_7364ed IMG_7362ed IMG_7336edc IMG_7271edc  IMG_7235ed IMG_7226ed IMG_7570bw IMG_7570edcIMG_7522ed

 The kids are done! =)IMG_7528ed

1 comment:

Mrs. Higbee said...

Good job! The pictures turned out super cute. I haven't seen Candace in forever. I played with Lori at their wedding. What a beautiful family they have!