
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blue-Eyed Sweetheart


I took these pictures for my Sister-in-law while up North. It was a fun night! I will not forget this photo shoot! First, we started later than we planned and spent the rest of the time chasing the sunlight! I had visions of photos with sun flare but didn’t get to do that much as we were right behind a mountain. Then My SIL told me of a beautiful place just “2 blocks” away. So I put my baby in the stroller, my 3 year old on top of the stroller, my diaper bag, camera bag, and little pink chair piled on the stroller and started running. Turns out the “2 blocks” was more like 7?? Maybe not that much. But when I’m carrying all this stuff and trying to get there before its too dark, it seemed like miles away! I had a great time though. thanks Candice!

IMG_7076ed IMG_7094ed  IMG_7114edc  IMG_7115edc IMG_7117ed  IMG_7149ed  IMG_7165edc IMG_7166ed IMG_7186ed  IMG_7040edc IMG_7041ed  IMG_7043ed IMG_7043edc  IMG_7044edc IMG_7052ed  IMG_7053edc  IMG_7058edc IMG_7064ed IMG_7066ed


Janice said...

Really cute pictures. She is a little poser.

Janice said...

Candace has a darling family. You did a great job, Lins.

Boo said...

You've got some great lighting here. Way to go!! I need to learn from you.

Boo said...

You've got some great lighting captured here- way to go! I need to learn from you